So I'm sitting here surfing the internet, when a conversation I had with my mother this afternoon pops into my head. Who knows how it started, but it ended with "When you have kids one day...". Now, I don't plan on ever having children. I've made this very clear to my mother (who I'm sure would just like a grandchild that didn't have fur), and most anyone who really wants to know, (And some people who don't.) But once in a while I get that one person, with one of the many comments that send my mind reeling. "When you have kids one day..." or "When it's your own kid..." or my absolute favorite "You'll change your mind when you're older". Any one of these comments sends me into a silent rage.
I have many friends who have children, and I don't mind them (most of the time), but there has never been any part of me that has desired creating and caring for one of my own. While most girls were playing with dolls, I found them extremely creepy. I spent my childhood playing house with stuffed dogs, which may or may not be slightly sad. I have never once looked at a baby and felt my uterus scream with longing, and when people try to hand me theirs, I usually shy away for fear of somehow permanently damaging this thing in the short 5 minutes it will be in my care.
I have many reasons for my desire to not reproduce, that go far beyond the fact that the sound of children makes me shudder, and that they always seem to find something sticky to put various body parts in, but I don't feel that I should be expected to explain them to the hoards of women that look at me with shock when I tell them that in fact, I do not want to raise a family.
My newsflash to them is this::
Not everyone is meant to have children.
With a planet that is already beyond overpopulated, there is no doubt in my mind that not every person is meant to reproduce. And those of us who choose not to are tired of being made to look like bad people for this fact. As though my life choices are based solely on selfish reasoning, that will "change when I get older".
So my point is this, if you'd like me to keep from criticizing you and your child bearing ways, please keep from criticizing my lack thereof. My life is no less fulfilling than yours because it isn't filled with children, it's just different, and that is a difference that I thoroughly enjoy.
This is the only baby I need:::
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